Monday, April 20, 2009

The Miles Davis Story

The Miles Davis Story. 2001 Dibb Directions & Channel 4 Television; released to DVD by Columbia Music Video.
Produced, Directed and Narrated by Mike Dibb
Available from Amazon.

A British television documentary, it focuses mainly on the life of Miles Davis, from his roots in East St. Louis, and how he helped shape jazz music for most of his life. There are plenty of interviews from family members, friends, historians, and of course, most of the musicians Davis worked with, all providing lengthy and interesting first-hand accounts of him at his best (music), and yes, at his worst (substance abuse, his treatment of women). Nothing is off limits here.

You will learn a lot about the life of Davis, but those expecting lengthy performance clips, or hearing music for longer than a few seconds will be disappointed. No matter, though. This is still the best documentary about one of America's most influential musicians, even if the music itself seemed to take a backseat. Highly recommended.

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