Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Harper. 1966 Warner Bros. Pictures.
Starring: Paul Newman, Lauren Bacall, Julie Harris, Arthur Hill, Janet Leigh, Pamela Tiffin, Robert Wagner, Robert Webber, Shelley Winters, Harold Gould, Roy Jenson
Director: Jack Smight
Buy Harper at Amazon. Also part of the Paul Newman Collection.

Paul Newman is Lew Harper, a hepcat of a private detective who isn't having the best of luck when it comes to business, to the point that he's reusing coffee grounds for his morning cup of brew after spending the night in his office. Harper is hired to look for Mrs. Sampson's (Bacall) missing husband, and he runs into a variety of colorful characters while on the case. While he's busy looking for Mr. Sampson, Harper also desires to reconcile with his estranged wife (Leigh), who is divorcing him because he's never home.

Newman's performance is excellent as always, and it's really the only highlight or redeeming quality for Harper. Recommended, only due to Paul Newman.

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