Saturday, February 7, 2009

MST3K #1004: Future War

Mystery Science Theater 3000 experiment #1004: Future War.
Originally aired April 25, 1999.
Part of the MST3K 20th Anniversary Collection.

Daniel Bernhardt plays a runaway slave ("The Runaway") who fell from space, and he's being pursued by his cyborg enslavers and dinosaurs used as trackers. The Runaway was kidnapped from Earth's past, so he is somewhat familiar with English, and the Bible. He seeks refuge at a halfway house run by Sister Ann (Travis Brooks Stewart), who was a former drug dealer and prostitute, and together, they band together to fight off the dinosaurs and their robotic masters, getting aid from a street gang.

Good MST3K episode (more info?), but a bad, bad, BAD movie on its own.

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